Helping patients with myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia Gravis Society has made great strides in the fight against myasthenia.

When the diagnosis is made, patients are often filled with fear, anxiety, limitations, frustration, depression, and anger, but when myasthenics gather to seek information, they hear the collective voice of the MG community offering advice, sharing experiences and providing emotional support. It is our aim to assist patients in this journey.

Melissa Ray

When I was born I appeared to be normal except that my eyes were stationary. The theory at that time was that my eye muscles had not developed fully before I was born or that my birth mother was very young. Since I was adopted this remained a mystery. When I was four my pediatrician tried to talk my parents into experimental eye surgery to see if he could make my eyes move.


Current Research in MG

CuraVac is an innovative young company founded to take a newly discovered technique for creating therapeutic vaccines against autoimmune diseases from discovery through availability for the treatment of humans. The pioneering vaccine, already in development, is for the treatment of myasthenia gravis.


What causes myasthenia gravis?

Myasthenia gravis is not believed to be inherited nor is it contagious. It can affect any muscle that is under voluntary control. Certain muscles are more frequently involved.
